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Actresses Marcélia Cartaxo and Debóra Silva are awarded at festivals with the film "A Mãe"

  • Cristiano Burlan

  • 05 September 2022

Débora Silva, founder of the Mothers of May movement, won the award for best supporting actress at the Malaga Film Festival, in Spain. The award is due to her role in the film A Mãe, a fiction based on real stories from the periphery of the country and which has much of Débora's real life. The Mothers of May movement emerged to denounce the 505 murders of civilians committed by security agents in the so-called crimes of May 2006.

Marcélia Cartaxo, the film's protagonist, received the Kikito for Best Actress at the 50th Gramado Festival. In the plot, her character Maria is a northeastern woman who lives in the periphery and works as a street vendor in the center. When her son disappears, she goes out alone in search of information, one of the information she discovers is that her son was killed by the military police. In the race for justice, she encounters the Mothers of May.

The film is slated for a November 2022 release.


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