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Before the End - Now Playing

  • Amanda Bortolo

  • 23 February 2018

Before the End, directed by Cristiano Burlan is now playing after important festival participations


In 2017, the film participated of 20ª Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes with an “work in progress” version, it won as Best Film and Best Direction in the 12º Festival Aruanda do Audiovisual Brasileiro and was selected for the 41ª Mostra Internacional de Cinema. 2018 began with the movie in the competitive exhibition “Free Eyes” of the 21ª Mostra de Cinema de Tiradentes.

The film is a coproduction with Canal Brasil, and has as protagonists Helena Ignez and Jean-Claude Bernardet, very important characters of the Brazilian cinema history, in a movie that touches and open a discussion about life and death.

Credits: Marina de Almeida Prado

Credits: Marina de Almeida Prado

Synopsis: Jean feels trapped in the longevity logic that the pharmaceutical industry imposes and decides to plan a conscious suicide. He invites Helena to make the suicide with him. She hesitates and knows that she will live well even if it needs to live by herself, but Helena accept to help Jean with his intentions. The silence between them reveals no distance, but intimacy. There are years of shared affection. Together, they will prepare all the details for the funeral. He dances to death as she continues to rehearse life. In this process, both realize that before the end, there is still a whole life.


More information and tickets:

São Paulo - Cine Sesc 
R. Augusta, 2075 - Cerqueira César, São Paulo

Porto Alegre - Cine Bancários 
R. Gen. Câmara, 424 - Centro Histórico, Porto Alegre

João Pessoa - Cine Banguê 
R. Abdias Gomes de Almeida, 800 - Tambauzinho, João Pessoa

Rio de Janeiro - Estação Net 
Rua Voluntários da Pátria, 35 - Botafogo, Rio de Janeiro


VídeoBefore the End - Now Playing

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